Herbal Pharmacy

Texas Herbal PharmacyOur mission is to provide highest quality herbal formulas to suit each individual at a reasonable price.

Herbal Medicine is effective in treating many conditions, thus providing a natural approach to healthcare. Our pharmacy ensures the safest, highest quality products.

Ancient Medicine for modern life: Herbal Medicine is the base for Health and Disease and living in Harmony with Nature for promotion of Health, and deviation from it causes the accumulations of toxins in the body and reduced Energy.

The first step in accessing optimum Health is detoxification processes by the use of Lymph and Blood purifying herbs. It is a fact that each disease has its characteristic and symptoms and specific area of the body.

Herbal Pharmacy

The goal of this site is to guide the user how to choose the appropriate formula or herb for relief from uncomfortable symptoms, and aid the detoxification process at different stage of the disease.

The next step is to identify patterns of deficiency and address the deficiency with tonifying herbs. To tonify is to nourish and make function stronger, thus providing strength for the body to be healthy and renewed.

We are aware that many people not trained in the use of Herbal Medicine will use sites for self medication for various symptoms in different level of intensity. If you have chronic or acute health problem, please contact us, truly untrained individuals self inaccurate assessment can cause serious ill effect.

Our site is not designed for a substitute for actual medical advice.

We would like to invite your to contact our clinic for a consultation to determine what herbal formula/plan may be best for you. Our clinic has powdered single herbs and formulas from Evergreen & KPC. WE can provide you with a customized formula to suit your healing needs. Powdered formulas are mixed with warm water to drink as a tea. They can be purchased on our online pharmacy as well as the patents and supplements.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and statements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. This information is provided to assist trained practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine with selection of products. If you are not familiar with these formulas or concepts please consult a licensed practitioner of Chinese herbal medicine and/or more in-depth reference materials.